MCNS Solutions

Ready to boost your business?

Our Videoconference System has been developed to meet the growing needs for direct communication and collaboration between remote users. It can be used to cover various communication needs and in the context of different scenarios (e.g. meetings, teleconferences, webinars). The Videoconference System is integrated with a Videoconference scheduling environment for the effective scheduling and organization of videoconferences.

The main characteristics of the Videoconference System are the following:

  • Friendly and easy-to-use environment that makes its use simple and self-explanatory even for non-familiar and experienced users.
  • Personalized environment for each user.
  • Scheduling and organization of videoconferences.
  • Different types of videoconferences (open, closed, with invitation)
  • Invitations for participating in a videoconference.
  • Notifications about invitations received for participating in a videoconference.
  • Reminders about upcoming videoconferences.
  • Live streaming of teleconferences via Intranets of Internet
  • Recording of teleconferences.

Benefits for your company:

  • Reduced travelling and accommodation costs for the participation in face to face events (e.g. meetings and trainings).
  • Efficient monitoring and scheduling of videoconferences.
  • Increased productivity among your customers and teams.
  • Improved communication and reinforced relationships.